Paper Teller: A Unique Cuckoo Clock

A Wordless Storyteller for Your Wall

After two years of study in Geneva, Switzerland, designer Benjamin Ben Kemoun was inspired by the famous wooden clocks and the art of Poyat, black paper cut works. Combining his love for storytelling and design, he created Paper Teller, a unique cuckoo clock that invites users to discover a wordless story throughout the year.

Paper Teller is the diploma project of Benjamin Ben Kemoun, designed to give objects a voice without influencing them. Each day, users are invited to detach a sheet from the clock, revealing a new page of the story told by the cuckoo clock over the course of a year. The torn-out pages can be stored in a specially designed box, allowing users to read the complete story at the end of the year while a new block is placed on the clock, starting another story on the wall.

The clock's design features a black frame made of ebony, housing all the mechanical and electronic components. The paper pad consists of 365 illustrated cut sheets, each representing a day of the year. The hands of the clock are made of nickel silver, cut using a CNC cutting machine. The red cuckoo, a key element of the clock, is modeled and 3D printed. The cardboard box is screen printed, adding to the overall aesthetic of the design.

Measuring 17mm x 7mm x 23mm, Paper Teller is not just a clock; it offers a moment of sharing and privacy to its owners. Each element of the design contributes to the narrative, ensuring that every hour brings a new surprise. The little bird adorning the minute hand moves to the center of the deer's antlers every hour, as if it has landed on them. The illustrations on the side of the block gradually disappear over the year, adding to the anticipation and excitement of the story unfolding.

The project began in February 2014 in Geneva and was exhibited at Le Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris later that year. Benjamin Ben Kemoun's research on the relationship between design and storytelling influenced the creation of Paper Teller. The aim was to create an object that could communicate with its environment and tell a story, fostering intimacy between the object and its users. The design targets a wide audience, from children aged 8-14 to adults, providing moments of closeness for families.

Creating an all-functional cuckoo clock presented several challenges for the designer. The fragile mechanism required the red cuckoo to be lightweight and easily modifiable, leading to the use of 3D modeling and printing. The most time-consuming aspect of the project was the creation of 365 illustrated sheets, one for each day of the year, ensuring a unique and captivating story for users.

Paper Teller's simple yet elegant design makes it suitable for various living rooms. The decorative black and red illustrations add a touch of sophistication to any space. The design has been recognized with the Silver A' Design Award in the Furniture Design category, highlighting its outstanding expertise, innovation, and artistic skill.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Ben Kemoun Benjamin
Image Credits: Image #1: Photographer Dylan Dylan Perrenoud / Head—Genève, Paper Teller, 2014. Image #2 : Photographer Baptiste Coulon / Head—Genève, Paper Teller, 2014. Image #3 : Photographer Baptiste Coulon / Head—Genève, Paper Teller, 2014. Image #4 : Photographer Baptiste Coulon / Head—Genève, Paper Teller, 2014. Image #5 : Photographer Dylan Dylan Perrenoud / Head—Genève, Paper Teller, 2014.
Project Team Members: designer and Tutor : Mathieu Bassée
Project Name: Paper Teller
Project Client: Ben Kemoun Benjamin

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